Forum in maintenance, we will back soon 🙂

Hi Hasan,
I am halfway through the course, but a question arises, in this course are we going to see how we can build the front end, something like the text boxes you have on your FreeAIKit tool website?

Hi friend, I will be adding these lectures soon. On how to build the UI with both No-Code, and with little coding. something big is coming 🙂

@techprieto please don't post just an icon. That's what the thumps up is for.
Earnie Boyd, CEO
Seasoned Solutions Advisor LLC
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@ssadvisor I understand but a thumbs up isn't expressive enough, I wanted to convey how excited I am to have that part of the course available, it seems essential for progressing in this path.

@techprieto but as we grow it becomes frustrating to be notified by that type of comment. Time is precious and this becomes a waste. Maybe @Hasan can add more options for a like icon.
Earnie Boyd, CEO
Seasoned Solutions Advisor LLC
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@ssadvisor I don't want to be rude, but the question was for Hasan and it's him I'm responding to, I don't get notifications because I don't have them active for the entire forum, only for what I need, in that case I believe you can mute notifications for this topic. And maybe you could focus on adding value to the conversation and not respond to anything just for the sake of responding.