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Playground - ChatGPT
Hello Hasan,
First THANYOU for this course, im learning a lot,
I have CHATGPT-4 but the playground doesn't let me chat anything, it says "You've reached your usage limit. See your usage dashboard and billing settings for more details. If you have further questions, please contact us through our help center at"
Question#1: If i pay for credits it will let me use the playground? How many dollars should you suggest me to pay to test for this course?
Question#2: I cant see the CHATGPT-4 in the Model option, how can i add it? or see it?
Thank you in advance,
@johana-montes I've not been charged more than $2.00 USD per any month for my testing.
As for the second question I think it i "gpt-4".
Earnie Boyd, CEO
Seasoned Solutions Advisor LLC
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question#1 -
Thankyou for your answer, so i will add $5...
question#2 -
yes is gpt-4,
i only have 5 types of gpt-3.5... (gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-3.5-turbo-16k...)
i cant see gpt-4, what do i have to do?
Ok, for any beginner that also, doesn't know, when you pay and put some credits it update the playground with gpt-4.