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Ai image generator
Hello Sir, AI genearted image url is generating but image not displaying where to change the code to append resulted image url to display to end user
<div id="text-generation-tool"> <input type="text" id="topic" placeholder="Your Topic..."> <button id="generate-button">Generate Story!</button> <div id="result-container" style="display: none;"> <div class="result-wrapper"> <div class="result-content"> <textarea id="result" readonly></textarea> </div> <div class="copy-button-container"> <button id="copy-button">Copy</button> </div> </div> </div> <div id="loading" class="loader" style="display: none;"></div> </div> <style> /* Basic styles for the text generation tool */ #text-generation-tool { width: 100%; max-width: 600px; margin: 0 auto; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; } #topic { width: 100%; padding: 15px; margin-bottom: 20px; font-size: 16px; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid #ddd; } #generate-button { display: block; width: 100%; padding: 15px; margin-bottom: 20px; font-size: 16px; border: none; border-radius: 5px; color: #fff; background-color: #3498db; cursor: pointer; transition: background-color 0.3s ease; } #generate-button:hover { background-color: #2980b9; } #result-container { display: none; margin-bottom: 20px; } .result-wrapper { position: relative; overflow: hidden; } .result-content { display: flex; } #result { flex: 1; height: 400px; padding: 15px; font-size: 16px; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid #ddd; background-color: #f9f9f9; } .copy-button-container { margin-top: 10px; text-align: right; } #copy-button { padding: 8px 12px; font-size: 14px; border: none; border-radius: 5px; color: #fff; background-color: #3498db; cursor: pointer; transition: background-color 0.3s ease; } #copy-button:hover { background-color: #2980b9; } /* CSS for the loader */ .loader { display: block; margin: 50px auto; border: 16px solid #f3f3f3; /* Light grey */ border-top: 16px solid #3498db; /* Blue */ border-radius: 50%; width: 50px; height: 50px; animation: spin 1s linear infinite; } @keyframes spin { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); } } </style> <script> document.getElementById("generate-button").addEventListener("click", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var generateButton = document.getElementById("generate-button"); if (generateButton.disabled) { return; // Prevent multiple clicks while content is being generated } generateButton.disabled = true; var topic = document.getElementById('topic').value; var prompt = "Generate a 3 sentence story about " + topic; var loading = document.getElementById('loading'); var result = document.getElementById('result'); var resultC = document.getElementById('result-container'); = 'block'; = 'none'; // hide result textarea = 'none'; var formData = new FormData(); formData.append('action', 'ai_image_generator'); formData.append('prompt', prompt); fetch('/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', { method: 'POST', body: formData }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { = 'none'; if(data.success) { result.value =[0].message.content; = 'block'; // show result textarea = 'block'; generateButton.disabled = false; } else { result.value = 'An error occurred: ' +; = 'block'; // show result textarea = 'block'; generateButton.disabled = false; } }) .catch(error => { = 'none'; result.value = 'An error occurred: ' + error.message; = 'block'; // show result textarea = 'block'; generateButton.disabled = false; }); }); var copyButton = document.getElementById('copy-button'); copyButton.addEventListener('click', function() { var result = document.getElementById('result');; document.execCommand('copy'); alert('Copied to clipboard!'); }); </script>
Earnie Boyd, CEO
Seasoned Solutions Advisor LLC
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@vijay which API you are using?
You need to change the JS code. you can feed chatgpt with the code, and ask it to change it in the way you want. try it!
I'm using openai api i tried chatgpt but didn't get correct code
@vijay what was the prompt you used?
Earnie Boyd, CEO
Seasoned Solutions Advisor LLC
Schedule 1-on-1 help
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@vijay, I mean how you are generating images.
You will need to add an image tag instead of the text area and set the image path to the URL you got.
If you know nothing about HTML, it is better to get a 1 hour HTML-CSS-JS course. You will see then how simple it is.